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Published onAug 02, 2019

PubPub is an online authoring and publishing platform developed by MIT Press and the MIT Knowledge Futures Group. It supports community-based collaborative drafting, review, and publication of scholarly work "using an integrated and iterative process." It supports journals, books, lab communications and events. PubPub is designed to be centrally hosted, and PubPub provides publishing services as part of a tiered-price hosting packages.

Basic Info:

Institutional host: Knowledge Futures Group @ MIT
Principal investigator: Travis Rich
Contact: Catherine Ahearn, [email protected]
Lead developer: Travis Rich
Funding sources: Joi Ito; Reid Hoffman; Siegel; Knight; MacArthur; Sloan
Development partners:
Partners: MIT Media Lab, client publishers
Initial release: 2017
Version (as of June 2019): 6.0.0

Github (as of April 2019):

Language: JavaScript
License: GPL v2
Last commit: 2019-04-02
Contributors: 10

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